
PLASTIC Property Info

ABS, Acetal, Acrylic, HDPE, LDPE, Nylon, PC, PP, PTFE, and PVC

For Dynalon's PLASTIC Properties Technical Information section

Life Science Products, Inc. is an authorized dealer for Dynalon Labware.

The Dynalon® catalog technical section aims to provide clear, concise information about the key polymers from which our ranges are manufactured. It is intended as your guide to the suitability of our products for use with a variety of chemical groups, and in a variety of environments. Each polymer has its own entry with detailed technical information and a summary icon denoting its general chemical suitability characteristics. Those Polymers capable of being repeatedly Autoclaved at, at least 121°C for 30 minutes are denoted by the letter A, more detailed temperature resistance is often included in the text. The information within this section is designed to answer most common application questions but like any guide will not answer all. Dynalon's Technical Department will be pleased to answer any question relating to product usage.
(Dynalon Labware: 1-800-334-7585;
