National Diagnostics ProtoGel Quick-Cast 12% - Ready-to-use gel solution for SDS-PAGE that combines the convenience of pre-cast gels with the economy of casting your own. - 100 ML
National Diagnostics Protein purification and concentration Kit Prepared protein sample is ideal for either pre-cast or traditional SDS-PAGE gels. Patented surfactant/buffer system 1 Kit purifies 200 x 100µl (25ng)samples
ProtoGlow ECL - Enhanced Chemiluminescent Substrate • Up Western Blot sensitivity 20 fold • Extended Signal Life • Long Shelf Life • Less Antibody Needed
Choose: 200ml kit or 500ml kit
ProtoGlow ECL kit components are best stored at 4°C (Refrigerated). Stable for 1 year.
National Diagnostic 1 Liter (makes 10L) 1X contains 0.025M Tris base, 0.192M glycine 0.20µm filtered. 18 Megohm Water. Liquid concentrate. Ideal for Western Blotting (especially for Small Protein SDS-PAGE) Made by National Diagnostics.
National Diagnostics 4 Liter (makes 40L) 1X contains 0.025M Tris base, 0.192M glycine 0.20µm filtered. 18 Megohm Water. Liquid concentrate. Made by National Diagnostics.
National Diagnostics 4 Liter (makes 40L) 1X contains 0.025M Tris base, 0.192M glycine 0.20µm filtered. 18 Megohm Water. Liquid concentrate. 4 x 4 liter bottles/case Made by National Diagnostics.
1 liter, ProtoStain Blue Protein Stain More sensitive, to 1ng denatured BSA Faster, Ready-to-use Coomassie Stain Safe nonhazard, no methanol or acetic acid Sample available, Inquire at 1-800-245-5774.